Root Rider

A dry age has set it's foul claws opon this once fertile land

The great old trees stand forsaken in arid dirt 

Their only hope lays buried deep underground 

The lake of eternity 

But they cannot reach this salvation on their own 

And so they call upon their rootriders 

To guide their mighty roots through treached soil and rock 

Your great tree calls upon you Make the journey, brave rootrider 

Save your tree

Root Rider is a collection of several arcade games put into a cozy little bundle.

This game was made in 48 hours  for the Global Game Jam 2023 with the theme 'Roots'.



Tom Eckerström

Selma Sköld


Samuel Olsson

Sandra Pärnaste


Morgon Lee

End Credits Theme

Adrian Lewentorp

Unity WebGL template by Sean


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Really Really like this game! Awesome IDea , love the mini games! Simple and concise! But couldnt get past the boat level. Wasnt really sure how to progress!